Friday, February 28, 2014

Mum's crying for their children

Since appearing in the TVNZ documentary,
"It is OK to cry."
It has become my catch phrase.

In my book on the chapter of Tragedy,
I wrote about 3 mums who lost their sons.

I am glad my grand father,
Showed me "It is OK to cry."
and "It's OK to talk about our departed loved ones."
My Uncle drowned when he was four,
Grand father talked about him in his 70s.
Today, I like to tell my fellow bereaved mum,
Violeta Pineda Zepeda,
for tomorrow she lost her daughter Maribel to Sids 5 years ago.
and on May 15, 2013, she lost her Jayden,
How cruel it is for people to tell her,
"It's NOT OK to cry."
So cry, my dear Violeta,
I cry with you.

Photo: Since appearing in the TVNZ documentary,
"It is OK to cry."
It has become my catch phrase.
I am glad my grand father,
Showed me "It is OK to cry."
and "It's OK to talk about our departed loved ones."
My Uncle drowned when he was four,
Grand father talked about him in his 70s.
Today, I like to tell my fellow bereaved mum,
Violeta Pineda Zepeda,
for tomorrow she lost her daughter Maribel to Sids 5 years ago.
and on May 15, 2013, she lost her Jayden,
How cruel it is for people to tell her,
"It's NOT OK to cry."
So cry, my dear Violeta,
I cry with you.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Auckland University and my books

I revisited my alma mater, Auckland University.  In my time, it was called Old Arts Building, and I had many lectures there. Now it is called the Clock Tower.
I am so thrilled that all 3 of my books are in the library.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New Zealand Export books

Photo: Your new book is now on our database.

Nielsen BookData - Providing comprehensive, enriched and timely bibliographic data

Nielsen BookData is the leading provider of book-related data services to more than 100 countries worldwide. We collect book information from over 70 countries (including the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa) and work closely with the leading data providers in the US to ensure we have the most consistent and comprehensive global database of title records available.

Mail order Bride, a New Zealand Fiction.  July 2013 Fiction

ISBN: 978-0-473-25414-8

This book is the embodiment of the darker side of today’s society.

Good day. I represent a company that sources New Zealand authored and published works for leading University and Public Libraries overseas. Commercial and Non-commercial publications are very valuable to the libraries for research about New Zealand.
I produce for this purpose a catalogue of said titles every quarter and populate this catalogue with among other things titles sourced from the National Library list.
From the National Library I noted your title (as the subject of the email above) and believe that this title may hold some interest with various clients.
With that said I would like to place the title in the next catalogue due out in the next week. For this purpose I would like to ask for some information regarding the book such as a synopsis and what your recommended resale price as well as the purchase price delivered to me and the availability going forward as our clients can take up to six months to order as they assimilate the book in the appropriate area of the library.

Michael Win
Phone: +64 3 377 9555
Fax: +64 3 377 4141
PO Box 36514, Merivale, CHRISTCHURCH. NEW ZEALAND 8014.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Nielsen BookData

Your new book is now on our database.

Nielsen BookData - Providing comprehensive, enriched and timely bibliographic data

Nielsen BookData is the leading provider of book-related data services to more than 100 countries worldwide. We collect book information from over 70 countries (including the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa) and work closely with the leading data providers in the US to ensure we have the most consistent and comprehensive global database of title records available.

Mail order Bride, a New Zealand Fiction. July 2013 Fiction

ISBN: 978-0-473-25414-8

This book is the embodiment of the darker side of today’s society.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Isabella, the beautician.

Photo borrowed from my cousin's wife Helen, who is learning Beauty Make up in TAFE in Australia.

 Isabella became a very good  beautician. She went to the hospital to work on burnt victims and pregnant women who were in ante natal ward.

Her big break came, when a Television actress found her work very good, and recommended  her to be a Beauty artist and effects.